NFT Signals, the NFT trading signals service that has delivered over $50 million in total group profits to its members so far, has announced it is partnering with revolutionary NFT project Beastlike.
Beastlike is doing something different with its collection of NFTs based on a 10-year old game idea called Shonobi Tribe that never got to market.
This project is doing something never done before, by leveraging the power of NFTs to enhance rarity, playability and storyline engagement in the Beastlife universe.
There isn’t anything on the market like Beastlike, which does make this project truly pathbreaking.
From a labor of love passion project the team has succeeded in bringing to market an innovative and artistic masterpiece that will delight collectors and traders alike.

Rarity value enhancement
Whereas most NFT collections will devolve from a single base character, Beastlike has 50.
Each of the 50 ‘Beast’ animal races and 10 aligned elemental tribes combine in different ways to create the 30,000-piece collection of unique NFTs.
Individual traits include all the typical assets of a fantasy series, such as armor, facials, weapons, tribes and so on.
However, because of Beastlife’s rich approach, the collection as a whole provides a deeper experience, which, put simply, means there is greater character variety and, because of that, greater attractions for serious game players and true collectors.
Flowing from these design decisions Beastlike is able to offer eight levels of rarity, starting with standard at 23,000 pieces, going through to secret at 5 pieces.

Cross-platform breakthrough product
Beastlike goes beyond the rarity quotient and is solving a problem that has been top of the list for gamers of all sorts – how to transport your gaming experience between formats.
Imagine a situation where card games, board games, DND (Dungeons & Dragons), online, you name it, are no longer siloed one from another. Instead, as with Beastlike NFTs, your character will be able to exist in all of those formats.
Right now the team is working on the 3D avatars of the NFT cards.

An engaging story to tell in a brand new way
Lastly, none of the rarity or conceptualization matters unless there’s an engaging tale to tell.
Again, Beastlike is ripping up the playbook. The story is based on a 3,000 year history, and instead of unnaturally appended prequels and sequels, Beastlife starts in the middle of the story timeline and works outwards.
It is no exaggeration to say, there really is nothing quite like Beastlife.

Partnership provides a wealth of synergies to exploit
Beastlike teaming up with NFT Signals is a win-win for both brands.
On the one hand Beastlike gets onto the radar of some of the sector’s most engaged individuals, while the NFT Signals community is able to avail itself of access to what is shaping up to be one of the most sought-after minting events of recent months.
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