In Spring of 2022, Colonize Mars introduced new staking pools to their game. These pools allowed players to stake Martia tokens and receive some of the basic resources for the Mars colony. Since then, these pools have expanded to generate no less than sixteen different resources! But that system will be thrown out as in July with a new economy. In addition, we’ll see sales for Mission Four NFTs open in July as well, with a players purchasing cards from NFT pools.
Though it began as in idle clicking and staking game, Colonize Mars is ready to elevate its Mars settlement building, game project to a new level. With complex, interconnected production chains, a gamified, cooperative building simulation, and new NFT pools that hold cards for purchase, the world of Mars will see some some major shakeups and force players to adjust the way they play the game.
New Resource Production Chain
The passive staking system was always meant to be temporary. And Colonize Mars is just about ready to implement a full-on production chain. Every NFT will have its own production values, and a cost associated with producing the resources. For example, an Ice Mining Rig uses Power and produces Water. While Civil Engineers need Water, Wellbeing, Food, and Oxygen in exchange for producing Construction Materials and Engineer Labor.
As long as your NFTs have their needs met, every hour, they produce resources and Martia tokens for you. Resource production is also be affected by the health of the NFTs. If a card is “damaged” due to a hazard event, then its output will be reduced by an equivalent percentage. These rewards are all in shared pools. So those pools with more participants will see less payout per player. Card rarity affects your pool share as well.
This change brings a real economy to Colonize Mars, and forces players to find complementary cards in order to make best use of their NFTs. It actually requires some strategy instead of just dumping everything into staking and collecting tokens every once in a while, which is a nice change. Also, all Colonize Mars resources exist as tokens on the WAX blockchain, so they can be purchased and sold outside of the game.
And with this new production chain comes the next phase of colony development. Players contribute Data to research pools, both to help the Colony but also in the hopes of receiving a payout in the form of Discovery NFTs. Cargo ships use Fuel to travel back to Earth and return with supplies. And building Colony structures requires many resources, with contributions from many players.
Mission Four
Mission Four cards don’t come in the standard crates. Instead, players buy cards from card pools. There are four pools in all, each with different odds for finding carious card rarities. All cards for Mission Four, including Onwership, Sponsorship, and the new ultra-rare Solar Flare cards, will come out of random draws from these pools. Players may…
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