Eternal Paradox is a turn-based role-playing game where players can train and lead a team of Mercenaries to fight for rewards. Gala games have shared detailed information about the use of Mercenaries in the game. Mercenary Heroes can be upgraded and used in battles. Players can also buy Lands where Mercenaries can be trained and buffed.
What are Mercenaries?
Mercenaries are the key elements of the Eternal Paradox. They can be used to explore the world of Elysium, battle against enemies, and reinforce allies in battles. Players could explore the lands using the Mercenaries and then attack other bases to attain glory. A single player may hold several Mercenaries. You can use them to travel to a location and conquer other Castles. Mercenaries defend their own castle and can perform tasks such as arena battles that can be accessed through the castle only.
Silver Points
Silver points are rewards collected when a player uses a Mercenary to perform tasks. The points are automatically added to the Silver Pouch of each Mercenary. All Mercenaries have this silver pouch. At the end of the day, the total silver points collected by each Mercenary are compared with the total amount of silver points collected by all Mercenaries to decide the daily rewards. Therefore, the maximum amount of Silver points that can be stored in a pouch depends on each Mercenary.

Adventure Mode
Mercenaries can be used to fight in the Adventure mode. The turn-based battles come with increasing difficulty, and players have to face more powerful enemies with each level. In addition, players have to strategize and select the four best Mercenaries. The prizes and rewards also increase with each level of the Adventure mode.

Arena Battling
In the Arena, players fight against other players in Mercenary team battles and climb up the leaderboard. Every two weeks, a new Arena season is held. The Arena battling mode is turn-based and asynchronous, so players don’t compete in real time.
Players who win an Arena Battle receive points that can be used to redeem rewards. At the end of a season, the player with the highest rank received more significant rewards. As this mode is asynchronous, players must select a roster of four best Mercenaries to defend the castle from attacks.
Players have to consume action points for the Mercenaries they use when attacking an enemy. Once the Mercenaries reach the target, an auto-battle is initiated, and the best team wins the combat. To win these battles, players must train and enhance Mercenaries’ abilities.
Securing Resources
Mercenaries can be used to gather resources by defeating enemies. Players can loot equipment, materials, and other resources required for castle building. You can not only gather resources by defeating enemies but also by venturing into various farms, mines, and other landmarks on the map. Collecting a resource requires Mercenaries to spend some time in that area, making them…
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