Power historically shifts from governments to people. Democracy is the product of revolution and disruptive innovation by those who abhor the elitism of aristocracy and monarchy, who fear the single-mindedness of theocracy, and who see the impracticability of communism. More than ever before, governments represent fairer and more trustless social contracts. How do we merge the rule of law with “code is law,” and can we have both?
As we behold the unstoppable force of decentralization, we must acknowledge the following: mass communication, intercontinental travel, widespread literacy, internet proliferation, pro-democracy movement, and the emergence of gig economies.
Liquid taxation: Individual control, instant gratification, real-time impact
The problem with taxation is the adversarial tension that arises between governments and constituents once per year. We end up funding high-level officials whose judgment we trust less than our own. The solution is for us to control our societal contributions in real time, in the very streets we walk, with fellow community members as co-creators at a local level. Web3 is a chance to make taxes make sense, to build a sense of community through economic power, and to enjoy paying our taxes instead of dreading the act. Liquid taxation works in the following way.
Imagine getting an estimated tax assessment at the beginning of the year based on your income and net worth. This assessment is loaded into your municipal crypto wallet. Throughout the year, as you see problems to solve and causes to support, you send whatever sum of money you feel is worthy. If you want, you recruit friends to contribute with you from their tax pools. If you see something that needs attention, you create a funding pool for that issue like a crowdfunding platform.
As people self-determine the problems and corresponding solutions of their own neighborhoods in which they raise families and go to work, impact is easily measurable and instantly gratifying. It builds a sense of community when local issues are handled at such a speed and efficiency that they need not be trifled with at a national level. When the year ends, each person gets a summary of how they contributed to their own economy, how much of their tax assessment was deployed, and what kinds of community perks they merit. Thus, taxation is done in real time as a tool of liquid democracy. Localities become insulated from the time lag, human error, asymmetric information, and red tape of higher level governments.
If you do not spend your tax assessment, the difference goes to your local government to be used at its discretion. If you spend more than what you really owe in taxes, you get a refund. If you feel like it, you can delegate your tax spending power to a friend or family member whose judgment you trust. If this all sounds like a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), that’s because that is one possible instantiation of liquid taxation.
Related: Decentralized autonomous organizations: Tax considerations
Smart contract procurement: Automation, scale, economic efficiency
Government spending is inefficient due to bureaucratic silos. By automating the negotiation of procurement contracts between providers and government organizations, we can save public finances and help great companies make more money.
It helps everyone to proliferate effective products and services from city to city, state to state, and department to department. Smart contract procurement can also automate and align the conditions of termination and restitution when something goes wrong. In the world of Web3, procurement will not be done through legal, political and bureaucratic teams that act both redundantly and inefficiently.
Smart contract procurement is more meritocratic and competitive than what we have today. It is also a tool of resilience for public sector agents that often get less than they deserve from the private sector. On top of this system, we can institute smart…
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