Yoshitaka Amano, a well-known artist behind the Final Fantasy series, has just announced a brand-new NFT art project titled Zielchain, which will be launching in 2023.
On the website, alongside the 2023 release window announcement, Amano shared the following message:
“This work is not mine alone, but I value the “connection” with everyone who participates in this project, and I’m trying to weave a story while the participating members inspire each other.
I am very much looking forward to communicating with many people through this project and participating in this new initiative, where new values will emerge from my drawings, or where something completely unexpected will be proposed.
In a sense, I think of this work as a challenge beyond my understanding.
Through “ZIELCHAIN,” let’s connect the ideas of people all over the world and turn page after page of the story together.”
The project itself has the following tagline:
“When mankind flooded the planet, people sought a new land in virtual reality.
Uploading their own souls, they built a new age of civilization within the network.”
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