WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular social media apps, is reportedly planning to integrate with Meta Quest in a future update. The integration will enable users to access WhatsApp on their linked Meta Quest devices. Although still in development and not open for beta testing, WhatsApp aims to offer a VR experience on Meta’s headsets.
The latest WhatsApp Android beta version update,, includes the Meta Quest option in the multi-device link feature. This news follows Mark Zuckerberg’s recent announcement about Meta Quest 3 and price reductions for earlier Quest headsets.
Previously, some users attempted to install WhatsApp on a virtual reality device through unconventional means, as the app was not officially available. However, the new feature enables a seamless WhatsApp account connected to the headset.
The WhatsApp and Quest connection represents a major milestone in Meta’s strategy to popularize Quest hardware and the metaverse.
Last month, WhatsApp’s beta updates for Android hinted at improved compatibility with Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses. A future app update will enable users to send messages on WhatsApp directly from the smart glasses.
WhatsApp also introduced a new feature that lets users edit their messages within 15 minutes of sending them. The feature gives users more control over their chats and allows them to correct mistakes or add more information. Edited messages have an “edited” label next to them, but the edit history is invisible.
Regarding other Meta subsidiaries, there have been rumors that Instagram is releasing 30-personality AI chatbots for user engagement, question-answering, advice, and message-writing assistance.
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