I’m starting to build a metaverse blog roll/ad swap (mid-right column), featuring blogs which cover Second Life and the broader ecosystem of metaverse news and culture — beginning with Gorgeous Aurelia’s long-running JuicyBomb. Along with some smashing style pics, Gogo recently wrote about Linden Lab’s curious fake casino project and ways to use generative AI programs like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion with Second Life content.
If you want to add your own SL/metaverse blog to my roll, get in touch with me:
I’m @SLHamlet on Twitter and on Discord, WJA#3523. Generally speaking, I’m looking to add blogs which are frequently updated (at least once a week) and devote at least some posts to news and reviews of Second Life and other metaverse platforms. (Cajsa already covers SL fashion-only blogs every Friday to kickass effect.) Post NWN’s ad on your blog, I’ll post your ad (200 x 200, under 150K) on mine.
Hopefully I can get a good list of 5-10 together! Sad to say, most personal SL/virtual world blogs have been going dormant over the years. But it would be great to have a solid blogroll before Second Life’s 20th anniversary next year.
Read More: nwn.blogs.com