(This is low key genius) Arbitrum, Azuki, and others are launching a blockchain-powered anime network called ‘AnimeChain,’ to onboard fans of anime to Web3.
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When you get down beyond the microscopic level and breach ‘the quantum realm’ — physics doesn’t quite work right.
(Particles get entangled, things start popping in and out of existence…)
Same thing happens when you breach a certain level anime fandom.
All of a sudden, owning action figures in your mid 30’s is not only accepted — but celebrated. Dressing up isn’t just a halloween thing, and (for some reason) all of your headphones have cat ears on them.
We’re not knocking it btw! We’ve got a bit of that in us.
(Hell, Chevy was designing and handcrafting replica lightsabers well into his late teens — instead of idk, dating?).
We say all of this, so that you don’t brush off what we’re about tell you…
The Arbitrum Foundation, Azuki, and the Web3 Foundation are teaming up to launch a blockchain-powered anime network called ‘AnimeChain,’ which aims to onboard fans of anime to Web3 via content, games, merchandise, and NFTs.
Which all sounds a bit nebulous…but think about the anime fan in your life — what do they cherish?
Cartoons? Yep.
Their Nintendo collection? Absolutely.
That Dragon Ball Z Tee Shirt that, when warn, comes with a verbal reminder that it was “a Japanese-only release”? Mhmmm.
Plus a boat load of various collectibles? It’s a given.
Now let’s connect the dots…
(1) = content, (2) = games, (3) = merchandise, and (4) = NFTs
So yeah, a ‘blockchain-powered anime network’ sounds weird at first — but it could end up being a match made in heaven.
Bravo AnimeChain, bravo!
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