Singapore, Singapore , Dec. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Metaverse and gaming industries are receiving bigger attention lately as blockchain technologies got embedded in those platforms, however many are still unaware of its technology’s potential applications with the ability to transform people’s life. Bitterly people are still perceiving metaverse and blockchain based game as one similar thing, which is not. As much as we want to believe that games with AI and virtual human capability in realistically mimicking real human facial expressions, those aren’t metaverses. We are all indeed on the race to build a utopic metaverse but until now what we can see currently are only the proto or “primitive-metaverse”
It’s only a matter of time before metaverse becomes alternative source for people to seek better opportunities and income. Metaverse is closely related with digital life and living inside a true digital life requires digital economic ecosystem as well which should be supported with digital currency that completely unrelated with physical life or so called as decentralized economy and currency. That’s why blockchain technology is believed as an integral part of metaverse, unfortunately people easily assume that every blockchain based game is considered as metaverse.
Reckoning from the current public view, we think that a real breakthrough in constructing real metaverse needs to be presented as a part of real contribution in building an advanced metaverse with its unique economy revolving inside it, for the reason that all current primitive-metaverses haven’t yet provided the impact and solution that many people might need far before they realize that they need it in the soon future. Thus, The Metalife was born with the spirit of accelerating the advancement on reaching better metaverse especially an advanced economic metaverse
Simulated version of people talking and exploring their favorite places in immerse graphic using VR device are getting more appealing especially in gaming community, but still metaverses are not meant to be a simple platform just to interact between one another but to put simply it should have the capability in making a new liveable universe and offering people possibility to start their new life with lots of new opportunities.
The concept of “play to earn” will be obsolete as doing repetitive task to earn small income in game is boring and people tend to jump from one game to another which is bad for the game’s economy sustainability. The Metalife is a metaverse of real life situation and one amongst few global projects leading the race to presents an advanced metaverse and has been proving its platform working well online in its Alpha and pre-Beta Version, people can try teleport into the metaverse by clicking the glowing portal inside the website but to unlock full features and functions they need to own the NFT Persona for accessing the whole metaverse of The Metalife which will be minted on the first week of January 2023, this will also change the paradigm of NFT and educating society that NFTs should have real digital utility not just a picture with hype
Nowadays many corporations are thinking on how to alter people’s behavior to really immigrate into the digital world without social media frills in between. Moreover, the previous pandemic situation made people spend more time in the digital and virtual world while doing many transactions in it instead of having to go to the market by themselves like the good old days, besides that many works and jobs have been proven to be well-done online and remotely
It’s now only a matter of time before the metaverse becomes an intrinsic part in our daily life with the capabilities to offer people limitless possibilities to earn income and The Metalife being one of if not the first that coined the term of “Live to Earn” in blockchain industry and makes us confident that soon people can start their new life in the advanced economic metaverse and improve their life holistically after they immigrate into this metaverse. Follow and learn more in our Twitter @The_Metalife and immigrate to the metaverse, now!
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