Welcome to TDR’s review of the Top 5 Psychedelic Developments for the week of September 5. Aside from presenting a synopsis of events, we provide market commentary to summarize the week that was for publicly-listed companies.
5. Optimi Health Completes Largest Legal Natural Psilocybin Harvest In Canadian History
Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) (OTCQX: OPTHF) has completed what it believes to be the largest legal natural psilocybin harvest in Canadian history. The company is licensed by Health Canada to produce and supply natural, EU-GMP grade psilocybin and other psychedelic substances, most notably MDMA, as well as functional mushrooms that focus on the health and wellness markets.
Building off its first official harvest on May 27 th , which produced various strains of psilocybin for lab analysis and early-stage supply agreements, the Company is pleased to report that its investment in state-of-the art environmental controls and facility cultivation operations have resulted in a commercially harvested yield of more than 150 kg of Panaeolus cyanescens and Psilocybe cubensis.
4. Congressman Says Psychedelics Can Be A Therapeutic ‘Game Changer
The conversation around psychedelics reform has been gradually trickling up to Capitol Hill amid successes in the local and state decriminalization movement. But one congressman who supports therapeutic access to the substances tells Marijuana Moment that it’s “embarrassing” how slow other federal lawmakers have been to evolve on the issue.
In July, the House voted in favor of two psychedelics-related amendments to a defense bill. One from Ocasio-Cortez would require a study to investigate psilocybin and MDMA as alternatives to opioids for military service members, while the other from Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) would authorize the defense secretary to provide grants for studies into several psychedelics for active duty service members with PTSD.
These developments, while incremental, do signal that Congress is paying closer attention to the issue. But Huffman told Marijuana Moment in a phone interview on Wednesday that many of his colleagues continue to hold outmoded views about psychedelics that are creating barriers to more impactful reform.
Effects Of LSD And Placebo On Study Outcome—Progress Over Entire Study Duration

Leafly: Key Tips On How To Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms On Your Own
3. Psychedelic Stocks Underperform BioPharma Peers, Broad Market
The psychedelic sector finished lower this past week, with the Horizon Psychedelic Stock Index ETF (PSYK) falling ↓5.01% on slightly falling weekly volume. This performance was in sharp contrast to both the Nasdaq…
Read more:TDR’s Top 5 Psychedelic Developments For The Week Of September 5