Quest 2 Install Base STILL Likely Below 20 Million, Based on Meta Financials & Inside Info
Lost in all of last week's excitement over Meta's latest (and surprisingly good) first quarter 2023 financial report, followed by ...
Lost in all of last week's excitement over Meta's latest (and surprisingly good) first quarter 2023 financial report, followed by ...
Lots of interesting chat in comments and on social media for my post about Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth heatedly insisting ...
Meta's CTO Tells Me They Haven't Walked Away From The Metaverse. Here's Why I'm Not Persuaded. Neal Stephenson's Lamina1 Publishes ...
Read the actual document my guy. One doesn't have to use a specific word for something to be about ...
Here's an epic new white paper on the Metaverse-as-a-Service platform from Lamina1, co-founded by literal Neal Stephenson (who I interviewed about ... This is a pretty powerful tribute to the VRChat community and the creativity they've wrought on the platform thus ...
SL's Bento avatar skeleton in Crystal Frost ChatGPT Comes To Second Life! Inside A Giant, Humanoid Bunny. Crystal Frost Update: ...
At long last, the world's most talked-about artificial intelligence has made its way into the world's longest-running metaverse platform. Yes: ...
Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting With all the stories about New York ...
Excited to start promoting my book, coming out this June on Second Life's 20th anniversary! Please pre-order my book ...
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