Sony has launched a set of wearable motion trackers that will bring users into the metaverse with their smartphones. The Mocopi system comprises six pucks worn around the user’s wrist, ankles, hands and hips. These sensors will work to animate avatars inside various metaverse apps on Android smartphones and iPhones. Sony said it would launch these motion trackers in Japan in January next year at a retail price of 49,500 Yen (or approx Rs 29,222).
The Mocopi system allows users to capture full-body motion capture without needing expensive equipment. YouTubers and people working in content development are the key target audiences for the Mocopi motion trackers. With the Mocopi system, Sony is essentially expanding the market for metaverse which is in its early stages. The low-cost accessory, which requires a phone, is a great way to experience metaverse, the 3D version of the web where you can interact with digital surroundings within your real-world surroundings.
Brands like Sony and Meta, formerly known as Facebook, are diving deeper into the metaverse. Both companies sell immersive virtual reality (VR) headsets in the market, with Sony specifically targeting gamers with its PlayStation VR device. The Japanese tech major recently announced it will begin selling the next-generation PlayStation VR 2 headset for $550 early next year.
Meta is investing heavily in virtual reality (VR ) and augmented reality (VR). It, in fact, has changed the direction of the company, from previously being a social media firm to a metaverse company. Meta has sold 14 million VR headsets, and it hopes these headsets will eventually replace smartphones in the future. Last year, alone Meta spent $10 billion in the “metaverse” business and it continues to pour billions into CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s pet project.
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