The Slack cofounder, part of Forbes’ inaugural list of people shaping the future of work, shares why he moved to Aspen, an unexpected challenge of mergers and why product placement isn’t coming to his messaging app.
Stewart Butterfield wants to show me something. Pulling up a video that depicts shopping at Walmart in virtual reality—one that’s several years old yet made the rounds on Twitter earlier this year—the Slack cofounder and CEO hands over his phone.
“It seems so horrible,” he says, laughing as a set of disembodied hands tries to grab a bottle of wine off a virtual shelf and toss a carton of milk into a digital freezer. To Butterfield, “that misses the whole point. It’s great that Amazon isn’t all aisles that you have to walk down and then go through a big rigmarole to get the book into your cart.”
Butterfield, a philosophy grad-turned-software entrepreneur who started Flickr prior to Slack, is hardly a technophobe. But his aversion to the dated video reflects what he thinks technology should be: A tool that makes life simpler and more productive—even pleasant, as Slack’s tagline boasts. If it gets rid of unnecessary meetings in the process, all the better.
Perhaps more than anything but Zoom, Butterfield’s Slack was a defining product of the pandemic: Founded in 2013, the already popular messaging app’s growth surged amid the shift to remote work, inviting breezy banter between isolated workers, boosting transparency with company-wide channels and seamlessly integrating other tools, making Butterfield’s talk of a “digital HQ” a legitimate reality.
Yet Slack, which went public in 2019 and was bought by Salesforce for $27.7 billion last year, also introduced new forms of work anxiety (its “tet-tet-tet” and “many people are typing” alerts) and yet another set of messages to keep up with. Meanwhile, it faces a juggernaut competitor in Microsoft, which bundles its Teams software with Office 365.
The “least constructive” use of the phrase “future of work” is “where where we’re debating what will change as opposed to taking a more intentional approach and thinking about it as an opportunity to reimagine the way [we] work.”
Still, Slack’s wide popularity positions Butterfield as a key figure shaping the future of work. (See Forbes’ inaugural list of the people or teams influencing where work is headed here.) In 2020, Slack founded Future Forum, a research consortium that shares quarterly surveys about hybrid work trends. Forbes caught up with Butterfield in an exclusive one-on-one interview at a Future Forum event in October, chatting about the metaverse, the Salesforce integration and how he managed to ski 76 days in one season while running Slack. Excerpts of the conversation have been edited for length and clarity.
Forbes: Did you ever think Slack would include what’s almost a quasi think tank on the future of work? What does the term mean to you?
Butterfield: There’s better and worse uses of the phrase. I think the least constructive one is where the future is just something that’s going to happen, where we’re debating what will change as opposed to taking a more intentional approach and thinking about it as an opportunity to reimagine the way [we] work. People are making tweets or blog posts or articles that are speculating about what’s going to happen to them, as opposed to them being actors in creating it.
What’s been the biggest challenge of the Salesforce integration?
The negotiation, and dealing with the Department of Justice, and then the first nine months after closing, was all remote. No one saw each other. That makes it a little bit harder no matter what. It’s one thing for one person to join a team [remotely] that is already established. It’s different for 2,000 people to come together with 60,000 other people.
But I think the bigger one honestly was what happened to us is what happens in 98% of cases, which is the general counsel leaves and the CFO or the head of marketing leaves. It’s not like this is a private equity deal and we’re trying to drive cost savings. But if you’re the CFO of a public company, you don’t really want to go and work for someone else. It’s a different job.
I think I didn’t really realize how reliant I was, especially on the GC and the CFO. They were more than support for the organization. They were good partners in thinking about strategy and culture and all of that. So that was harder than I would have thought, in retrospect.
You recently shared a tweet from Microsoft where they said they were partnering with Oreo and had added a cookie emoji to Teams. Is product placement coming to work tools?
That’s not the foot that you should be putting forward if you’re talking about the future of work and making people more productive and helping teams come together. But also it really does feel like product placement inside a product that you’re already paying for and that’s a terrible idea. No one wants to see ads in their work software.
Some say corporate culture is shaped by the digital conversations happening in messaging apps. Managers are worried about having their finger on the pulse. Is there some way Slack could aggregate sentiment without getting into privacy concerns?
I used to think so, but I don’t think so any more. Part of it is the concerns you’re talking about. It almost invites people to want the wrong thing. But also, it’s just really hard to tell the difference, even with fancy machine learning. If you are at Google’s scale, and you have trillions of links and data points from Google Maps and Android and Web search, you can make sense of these giant data sets. But even [for] IBM—who has 300,000 people using Slack and hundreds of millions of messages archived—it’s still relatively tiny.
It’s also harder to make sense of things because you can’t tell: Is this person being sarcastic? The very first time we tried just plugging in off-the-shelf, open-source sentiment analysis, it was like ‘minus two points’ if it [found] any of these curse words, [suggesting the reaction was negative]. But people would say, ‘that’s f**king awesome,’ and that would also be minus two.
This is a little bit of a tangent, but when you talk about culture outside the corporate world, it usually means language or rituals. For us, high school graduation is part of the culture. Or imagine Western European civilization without the concept of sin and redemption. There’s the rituals you create and the language you create, and the special practices that are usually the manifestation of culture. Slack is the medium for it, but the usage of Slack isn’t itself the culture.
You moved to Aspen during the pandemic—I read you skied 76 days in one season. That makes you the poster CEO for work-life balance.
We made that decision at the very end of 2020 or the beginning of ‘21. I have a weekly call with a bunch of other software CEOs, and it was the co-CEOs of Atlassian who pointed this out first. They were going to make rules that they and their most senior executives weren’t allowed to go to an office unless it was for some event or all-hands or customer meeting or something like that. They weren’t allowed to go to the office and just sit in the office and work. Because once they did that, it would just cascade down the organization. I thought that actually makes a lot of sense. I’m just going to move to Aspen.
To keep yourself from being tempted to go in?
Being an hour ahead [of San Francisco] is kind of nice. A lot of those skiing days, just to be clear, were like 73 minutes [skiing] before meetings started for the day.
What’s changed about how you think about spending your time?
I don’t do this myself, but my assistant and my chief of staff are both very thoughtful about what actually makes a difference. I don’t usually—if I’m totally frank—look at my calendar until the thing is happening and I see ‘oh, that’s what I’m doing.’
I think for me at least, [it’s good to have] a third party’s discipline about saying no to more things—basically meeting slightly less frequently but for a longer period of time and with a less cursory review. The worst case is everybody shows up to a meeting but there wasn’t any real agenda.
Coming out of the pandemic, do you have different definitions for success?
I’m sure I can measure this somehow, but I’m pretty sure I work fewer hours per week. I don’t think I’m less effective as a result. I find I have been more selective and edited out the things that are lower impact.
I’ve really tried to do that for other people too. When there’s 30 people in a meeting, it’s much harder to give constructive feedback. It’s hard to phrase things in just the right way anyway—but if I’m doing it with a product manager whose boss and their boss’s boss and their boss’s boss’s boss are all on the call at the same time, then I can’t really say anything. So I try to be more selective in meeting with just the smallest groups.
Do you think we’re going to work in the metaverse with headsets on?
Augmented reality, I think, has a lot of industrial applications or workplace applications. If you’re doing a surgery, having an overlay on the organs that you’re looking at to distinguish arteries from veins and whatever—amazing. Or you work for Boeing and you’re wiring a 767 and you can get the diagram superimposed on the wall.
Maybe for novelty use, like for people playing a game or doing the equivalent of trust falls at an offsite. I just can’t imagine, absent some technological breakthrough that I can’t really foresee where you don’t have to put anything on your head, people ever wanting to. … It seems so dystopian to me to imagine that you would sit down and put anything on [for the day].
I think there’s things that we could do to better bend the technology to our perceptual capabilities. Everything’s just a rectangle and flat. But we have really well-developed systems for distinguishing peripheral vision. Sometimes you have too many tabs and too many windows and too many apps open and you’re trying to find one thing and it can be really frustrating. [What] if there was some [augmented reality] way—I don’t have a suggestion—where those things, instead of all the apps, were like, spread out on a conference room table?
What do you think will be the biggest change in the way we work five or ten years from now?
It’s not a specific feature, but I want to have a huddle on a canvas [referring to Slack’s audio and video chat feature and new collaborative “surface” tool for teams to organize resources].
Right now when we have a Zoom, it’s just [blank] in the background. But maybe someone has a doc open and they’re taking notes from the meeting, behind the little Brady Bunch video. Then maybe I would edit them or make a comment. We hang up the call right now and there’s nothing. There’s not even a receipt that says the call happened and these were the people in it.
What it should do is [synthesize] what was said. Here’s a few documents that were shared, including the agenda. And it’s [contained] in a canvas, so it’s nicely formatted. Maybe people record parts of the meeting and add little video clips. The dream is that the 30 hours a week people spend doing these video calls actually produces something of value.
Five years or ten years out, [I hope we’re] getting better at leveraging the technology that’s already available—not metaverse or anything like that—to have something that’s accretive in value over time.
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