This weekend, Planet Mojo opens up their Mojo Melee auto-battler game for another alpha playtest. And unlike the last playtest, this one is open to everyone, and will remain open for the whole weekend!
Planet Mojo brings us another alpha playtest for their auto-battler came known as Mojo Melee. This alpha playtest runs for only one weekend — from December 2nd, 10pm UTC through December 4th (10pm UTC). But, best of all, this alpha is open to everyone! You don’t need to own an NFT or any tokens. Just access the game and play!
Mojo Melee runs in a web browser. It’s unclear if there will be any login required. And we also don’t yet have an official link for this playtest. Presumably they will post that information in Twitter and/or Discord later today.
Players won’t use their own NFTs for this playtest. Instead the game will give everyone access to all the Mojos and Champions, allowing players to test many different unit and spell combinations. The team is very interested in player feedback of all kinds. Whether it be bugs, balance issues, or just noting areas of the game that are fun (or not). Use the feedback forum on their Discord server for commentary.
There will also apparently be some sort of rewards available for playtesters as well. Though we haven’t been provided any details on that.
Mojo Melee Gameplay
Mojo Melee is a fantasy-based, auto-battler game built as part of the Planet Mojo ecosystem. Players build their teams around a Mojo character. Each Mojo Melee team is made up of 1 Mojo unit, 4 Champion units, and 2 SpellStones.
Spellstones come with special abilities and fall into three groups — Attachments, which are put with a unit to provide it with the Spellstone’s ability, Offensive Spellstones which are placed on the opponents side and affect enemy units in their range, and Team Spellstones, which offer team bonuses.
Mojos have access to different Spellstones based on their subclass. Mojos are automatically deployed at the start of the battle and provide passive bonuses to their team.
Each player receives eight gold to start every round. Any gold not spent carries over to the next round. During the preparation phase, players use their gold to place units and Spellstones onto the battlefield. Players upgrade units and Spellstones by purchasing multiple copies and placing them on the same tile. Players can upgrade each entity as many as three times.
Once both players are done preparing, the game enters auto-battle mode until only one team is left. Each unit type has a number of different stats including health, armor, attack damage, and even targeting priority. These all factor into the team’s behavior and results during a match.
Units have special abilities that can trigger when they gain enough Energy. Some Champions start the match with full Energy, while Spellstones activate once at the start of a round.
To learn more about Planet Mojo and Mojo Melee, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord.
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