Bankless and other web3 news websites have been talking about DeSo (which is short for Decentralized Social) which was once known as BitClout when it launched back in 2019, but it changed its name to what it is today. This decentralized, blockchain-based social media platform supports a bunch of different web3 social media apps that act as alternatives to their mainstream equivalents and allow anyone to use them who has a Google account, a Metamask account, or anyone who decides to create a DeSo account with their email. DeSo released an alternative to Twitter & other short message blogging platforms known as Diamond.
A new DeSo app is being released that adds a new kind of application known as Pearl. On Deso’s website where they describe Diamond as an alternative decentralized Twitter, they literally describe Pearl as being a decentralized Instagram. This social media platform is designed for those who like creating interesting pictures and videos for people using this web3 app (and most DeSo apps in general since this app shares the material you post on Pearl on other DeSo-connected social media applications if you select the option). Pearl allows creators to earn money from subscriptions and other methods, so it allows people to potentially monetize their content.
On top of that, Pearl is ad-free, so you do not need to worry about some annoying advertisements popping up out of nowhere to ruin your entertainment. While Pearl is not currently available to everyone, it is currently in Beta/Early Access, so you can sign up to be one of the first to use it before it is available to the general public.
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