Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday said that he has asked home ministers across states not to look into drug seizures in isolation, and rather investigate the source. Replying to a debate on drug abuse in Lok Sabha, Shah said that if the probe goes beyond the borders of the country, the states can seek help from the central agency, the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
“Our government has a zero-tolerance policy towards the issue of drugs. Those countries promoting terrorism in our country are using the profits from drugs for the same. The presence of this dirty money also gradually hollows our economy,” Shah said.
“All the states and UTs have to together fight against the drug menace,” Shah said, adding, “We need to stop the entry of drugs through borders, ports and airports. Revenue department, NCB and anti-narcotics agencies have to work against the menace being on the same page.”
“Our government policy is very clear, those consuming drugs are victims, we should be sensitive towards them and give victims a conducive atmosphere for their rehabilitation. But those involved in drug trafficking should not be spared,” Shah said in the Lok Sabha.
Members of the Lok Sabha, participating in a short-duration discussion in the House on the drug-abuse problem in India, demanded more action to deal with the rising menace of drug abuse.
TMC MP Sougata Roy asked whether the government is thinking of capital punishment in cases of possession of drugs, and questioned that all the drug dealings are happening through dark web or crypto currency, and what the government was doing about it.
AIADMK’s member P Ravindranath asked the government to make it mandatory for schools to teach children about ill-effects of drugs.
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