In a groundbreaking move, Pudgy Penguins has announced that its popular Lil Pudgys tokens will now be able to cross-chain from Ethereum to Arbitrum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain (BNB) using LayerZero.
This means that Lil Pudgys users will be able to take advantage of the speed and scalability of these alternative chains without sacrificing interoperability with Ethereum.
In addition to this cross-chain capability, Pudgy Penguins is also issuing soulbound tokens to Lil Pudgys users through its soulTransport feature. These tokens will be unique to each chain, providing an additional layer of security and control for users.
This move marks a significant step forward for Pudgy Penguins in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology and is sure to be welcomed by Lil Pudgys enthusiasts.
It also highlights the growing importance of cross-chain compatibility in the DeFi space as more and more projects look to take advantage of the benefits offered by different blockchain networks.
Cross-Chain Capability for Lil Pudgys Tokens on Ethereum
Pudgy Penguins, a leading player in the NFT space, partnered up with LayerZero to improve the accessibility and user experience of their NFTs by leveraging cross-chain technology.
The partnership will enable Pudgy Penguins’ NFTs, known as Lil Pudgys, to be easily transferable between multiple chains, including Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and Arbitrum.
Polygon has seen significant growth in recent months due to its integration with popular platforms like Instagram, Reddit, and Robinhood, which have helped to attract a new wave of users to the Web3 community.
Binance Smart Chain, on the other hand, has a strong presence in regions where Ethereum’s high gas fees have been a barrier to entry for many, particularly in East and South Asia and the Middle East and North Africa.
Arbitrum, an Ethereum layer 2 scaling chain, has also seen significant growth in the DeFi space, with many DeFi-native projects like GMX and Premia choosing to build on it. The partnership with LayerZero will allow Pudgy Penguins to appeal to a wider audience and expand the reach of their IP.
Pudgy Penguins’ goal is to build a household brand that resonates with a wide audience, and this partnership with LayerZero is just the first step towards that vision. The company plans to continue exploring new ways to expand and distribute the reach of its IP and open up possibilities for working with various businesses on different chains.
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