Harvest, a MOBA-style game with customizeable heroes, revealed some new information about their Ability Cards. Ability Cards are NFTs that can be attached to your hero in-game, providing them with special bonuses or abilities. These cards can also level up, growing stronger as the player progresses.
The Harvest players already have their hands on Mystery and Legendary boxes from the first set via various sales and events earlier this year. However, the boxes cannot be opened yet. And they won’t, until mid-October or so.
This first Ability NFT set, called the O’Ree-Jin Collection, includes a little over 200,000 cards total (170,000 Rare, 30,000 Epic, and 15,000 Legendary). with 72 different cards available. Each hero has a set of 18 Premium cards from this collection — nine rare, six epic, and three legendary.
The O’Ree-Jin collection also includes Shiny cards. And these are not just cosmetic. Shiny card owners can pick the main attribute that the Shiny card will enhance! These main attributes include Attack, Defense, Armor Penetration, Evasion, Critical, and Cooldown Reduction.
Mystery Boxes hold 10 random cards with Rare being the lowest level rarity. Legendary boxes contain 40 cards with guaranteed rarities. Each Legendary box holds 34 rare, 4 epic, 1 legendary, and 1 shiny (random rarity) cards.
Unfortunately, the opening of Mystery and Legendary boxes will have to wait. The team wants to make sure that they feel the Ability cards are sufficiently balanced before locking them in. The team will make all cards available for playtesting during the beta.
Public beta expected to start in mid-October
What are Ability Cards?
Ability Cards are special bonuses used to increase a Hero’s power or give them a new ability during a match. Players build a deck of eight Ability Cards before a game, and then use them when they level up in-game. The Harvest features a set of free to play, common cards. Every player receives a set of 15 common cards for each hero (60 total cards).
Abilities have different effects and are associated with specific heroes. Ability cards also have an Essence Bar. Players earn Essence while playing, and can then spend it to level up a card. When an Ability card levels up, it increases the numerical stats for its effect(s). Premium cards can reach as high as level 25, while Common, or free cards, are locked at level 10. Above level 10, players must also spend $HAR tokens when leveling up cards.
Common cards can upgrade to uncommon rarity at level 10. These converts them into a tradeable NFT.
What is The Harvest?
The Harvest is a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) in development on the Solana blockchain. On a planet once populated by an advanced civilization, exists a powerful substance known as Essence. As with anything of value, conflict arises over who gets access to the…
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