interality, an engine for mixed reality worlds, has announced the launch of ‘Made in Bengaluru,’ a Kannada drama film, inside interality’s Metaverse Bengaluru to allow movie fans to meet and take selfies with the film cast avatars, explore famous spots in Bengaluru, play games and quests to win real-life rewards, among others.
According to the platform, inside Metaverse Bengaluru platform, fans are visiting and experiencing the movie, where one can go to the movie quiz room and play to win tickets to the exclusive film premiere happening on December 29, 2022, in Bengaluru.
Reportedly, people can meet the film cast on the metaverse stage and take selfies with the selfie drone camera. One needs to complete a quest to win a chance to take real-life selfies with the film cast in person in Bengaluru, and can also go for treasure hunting to win passes to the pre-launch event of the movie. It is estimated that around 50 people can win rewards in Metaverse Bengaluru.
“We look forward to the launch of Made in Bengaluru film in Metaverse Bengaluru. I believe metaverse has opportunities for the cinema and entertainment industry as the future of content distribution. The fans can enter and explore the film themed Virtual Worlds, understand the theme and story of the film through immersive mediums, engage and interact with the movie through play games and win film collectibles, memorabilia and claim real-life rewards such as meet-and-greet with the film stars,” Farheen Ahmad, CEO, interality, said.
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