Think “Firebase of Crypto” – Moralis
Moralis is a web3 development platform that provides a backend as a service for blockchain projects.
It’s the fastest way to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Solana, and Elrond blockchains.
Instead of building your dApps architecture from scratch, the Moralis server and its Software Development Kit (SDK) will help you with the backend, making it easy to interact and query non-fungible tokens (NFTs) data from the blockchain in real-time!
What we’ll Build – NFT Explorer
In this tutorial, we’re going to use the Moralis React SDK and its cross-chain web3 NFT APIs to build a React NFT explorer application, where anyone can search for NFTs across multiple chains by name.
An NFT explorer is a dApp that allows users to get information about any collection of NFTs, such as name, price, birthday, owner’s address, ownership verification, NFT transfer history, etc.
Below is the demo video of the React NFT explorer application we’re going to build at the end of this article:
This tutorial uses the following stack:
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- Moralis React SDK
- Web3 NFT APIs
For this tutorial, you’ll need to have:
Step 1 – Create a React App
In this first step, we’ll create a new React application using the npx package manager.
Run the command below to create a new react app for our NFT explorer:
npx create-react-app nft-explorer
When it’s done, run the command below to navigate into your nft-explorer
cd nft-explorer
Open your project in any code editor. Our project folder structure should look like this:
nft-explorer ├── node_modules ├── public ├── src ├── .gitignore ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json └──
Step 2 – Installing Moralis React SDK
Now that our React application is ready, we’re going to install the Moralis React SDK.
Run the following command from your nft-explorer
directory terminal:
npm install moralis react-moralis
Step 3 – Installing Tailwind CSS
In this step, we’re going to install and set up Tailwind CSS in our React application.
Run the code below to install Tailwind CSS and its peer dependencies:
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
Next, run the command below to generate a Tailwind CSS configuration file at the root of your project directory:
npx tailwindcss init
Inside your tailwind.config.js
file, replace the content with the following code:
module.exports = { darkMode: "class", content: ["./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], };
Finally, import Tailwind CSS by updating the index.css
file with the following:
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;
To test if Tailwind CSS is working, update your App.js
file with the code below:
import logo from "./logo.svg"; import "./App.css"; function App() { return ( <div className="App" <header className="App-header" <img src
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