In addition to Google’s partnership with crypto exchange Coinbase Global Inc. COIN to allow customers to pay for cloud services in cryptocurrencies, the search engine is now providing information on Ethereum ETH/USD addresses when they are searched for.
The ETH balance of an Ethereum wallet is displayed by Google when its address is pasted in the search bar.
The wallet details are gathered through the Etherscan Ethereum block explorer.
For now, it seems that this solely applies to Ethereum addresses and not to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin BTC/USD.
Han Hua, a principal investor at Google Ventures who focuses on cryptocurrencies and formerly worked as a Google engineer, first noticed this.
More recently, Google has begun to provide more crypto interactions.
Google, which is owned by Alphabet Inc GOOGGOOGL presented a countdown to The Merge, Ethereum’s most transition to proof of stake, which featured two pandas moving closely together.
Photo: via Shutterstock
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