Giulio has been on our radar for a long time. Recently, we’ve started working with this amazing NFT photographer to start a bi-weekly curated photography focused blog. We are honored that Giulio is willing to partner with us and also that he agreed to be interviewed by NFTCulture. Here is the interview.
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Where are you from? (Provide a little bit of your background, have you moved etc)
I am from Florence, Italy, lived 2 years in London and I travel to remote regions of the world.
When did you mint your first NFT? What platform did you choose and why?
I think it was December and I made a mess minting on Rarible which wasn’t the best platform for photography
Can you tell us one thing you cannot live without? (and why)
I would say a camera, any camera that can capture photographs, but I am really not sure about this answer.
why? because it accompanied me since I was a kid and capturing photos has always been part of my life.
Who is your favorite artist(s) (Non NFT)? What about their style resonates with you?
Da Vinci, Botticelli, V. Gogh, Christo, Basquiat, Caravaggio, Munch, Kandinsky, Picasso, Dalí, Seurat, Fontana, K. Haring, Modigliani, Michelangelo, Warhol, Pollock, Matisse, Wei Wei, Abramović, Banksy, Manzoni, Klimt, Canaletto, Géricault, Rober de Niro, Christopher Nolan, Al Pacino, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Wes Anderson, Andrew Niccol, Frank Sinastra, and soooooo many others.
I don’t think I need to explain why.
Who is your favourite NFT artist? What makes this artist unique?
Andrea Chiampo, and many others, Andrea Chiampo is a genius in my opinion. First of all I know nothing of 3d or rendering stuff, it’s a world so far from mine.
But I easily recognise his uniqueness. His work is easily recognisable and I haven’t seen anything like what he does not just in the nft/digital world but in the entire art world.
And many people in the field of Andrea’s craft say that what he does is extraordinary from a skill/technical level, so it just confirms his talent.
What made you pursue NFT art?
The technology behind it, the projection to the future of digital media. A change in the world of art and digital assets than silently we were all waiting for.
What is the one piece of NFT art you wish you had purchased but missed out on?
Too many, starting from Andrea Chiampo, Cath Simard, Grant Yun and many other amazing artists and photographers.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why this location?
Yemen and Iran, because these are the most beautiful countries I have ever seen (in photos) and read about, the first extremely hard to access but of a unique history.
What are your other passions besides art? Why?
Hiking, Exploration, Climbing, Mountaineering, Caving, Canyoning, Cinema
Do you make other forms of art?
I don’t think so. I do make videos sometimes but nothing too artistic.
How did you come up with your specific style?
I don’t have a style, my vision develops and adapt all the time, more I spend time in the desert, the more I learn to understand it and capture it the way I like to showcase it.
How has your style evolved over the years?
It changed sooooo many times, Experimentation has been the core key to get where I am and start this new journey. I have been photographing so many different things, and imagine that many years ago I would find no sense in shooting landscapes, now here I am.
What is coming in the near future?
More expeditions, more exploration, more photos, more articles on my website.
If you could collaborate with one artist who would it be?
Grant Riven Yun
Andrea Chiampo
What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?
It is something that repeats sometimes and I am trying to learn from it, It is the fear of change or the fear of saying yes and see where it takes, maybe the doubts in this fear refrained me many times to just try, I definitely learned to capture more opportunities and give it a go if possible.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I want to say that despite some people considering what I do a form of art, I don’t consider myself an artist at all. Artists (as many photographers) create something out of their mind, and there is a whole process to transform in reality a vision that the artist has in mind, in my case as an explorer and adventure photographer I capture irrepetible images and moments framing them the way I want to portray them, but I am not creating, I am capturing, which for me is very different. my “creating” process stands in the pre production and logistic of an expedition, the huge work before, during and after the expedition could be considered itself an art ahha
I always say I am the photographer capturing the real artist we have here, Mother Nature.
Recently dropped Sands of Time on SR
There are places where time passes slower than others, where distance does not determine space, where sand marks time. The desert teaches you to adapt to the course of the sand, dune after dune, grain, after grain. The sand is the host and we are the guests. Many civilizations have been buried by the sands of time; or maybe by the time of sand. The wind transports the sand slowly, day after day, depositing it where it encounters obstacles or where a dune has already been formed, expanding it and sometimes creating new ones. I like to imagine this process as a dance of nature. Sand, Wind and Time unite to create a superior art form. These places and their memory remain preserved here in these images immortalizing the time and the sands.
Read More: www.nftculture.com