Gala Film Launches Presale For NFT Sci-Fi Thriller, RZR


Gala Films gears up to trailblaze the NFT world with the release of “RZR,” a gritty new sci-fi series. This is Gala Films’ debut film production, NFT.  The NFTs act as a source of crowdfunding for developing the series. Learn more about RZR and what the Gala Films NFTs are all about below!

Gala Films Director David Bianchi
Gala Films Director David Bianchi

What Are The Gala Films RZR NFTs?

RZR follows the protagonist “Grimm” and the development of a “mind-hacking” neural implant known as the “Acumen.” The plot follows Grimm and his power-hungry ambitions amidst a war in the “Grid Zone.”  Collecting NFTs for RZR grants holders exclusive access, special rewards, and unique cinematic experiences. The series is being brought to life by a film company called “Exertion3.”

Moreover, the collection divides itself into four separate categories. The collectibles vary across Blades (0.076 ETH), The Genesis (0.249 ETH), Concept Vision Boards (1.153 ETH), and The Warehouse (5.768 ETH), in that order. The different ranks allow for varying rarity levels across the project. The Blades collection grants holders exclusive 90-day access to the Cinema Club and lifetime access to watch RZR on Gala Films. The Genesis collection unlocks 180-day access to the Cinema Club and grants five community Discord members IRL experiences as well.

Concept Vision Board NFTs grant everything in the previous collections as well as allow 20 Discord holders IRL experiences. Finally, The Warehouse NFTs are the most expensive of the lot. They grant collectors loads of physical items. This includes a signed physical RZR case, Hand scribbled, and physical RZR scripts. an RZR thumb drive with high-resolution artworks, RZR Merchandise, and Steel printed collectibles, among others. Moreover, a few lucky holders even stand a chance to get a speaking role in the series itself! This role will be monitored and coached by director/writer/producer David Bianchi.

About Gala Films

Gala Films are a leading web3 film production company. It is also the new vertical from leading web3 gaming and music firm Gala, the cinema company that aims to revolutionize the way movies are made. Gala Films aims to provide fans with unique digital and IRL movie experiences. The company also offers its collectors and community a “watch to earn”  model.


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