Welcome to CryptoArt Sundays art fanatics! Today we have the incredible artist Patrick Hughes with us. Patrick held his first solo show in 1961 at the Portal Gallery, London, and it was the first one-man show by a Pop Artist!
For the last 25 years his 3-D reverspective paintings have been hugely in demand, exhibited around the world, and featured in many public collections. Patrick recently ventured into the NFT space, bringing a new twist to CryptoArt. I highly recommend checking out his motion art pieces on MakersPlace to experience his artworks fully.
So let’s find out more about what inspires him and his creative process!
How did you find out about the NFT space, and what attracted you to create your own NFTs?
I was asked by three different producers if I would like to make an NFT and I decided on Jacob Elmon of Vtail and Toby O’Connor of Coinllectibles. Jacob is very entrepreneurial and Toby had the extra idea of selling an original painting.
It is attractive to know that many people own a bit of me, one of the aims of art is to have your imagination seen by other people, instead of it just hunkering down in your own skull, so other people can appreciate and criticise it.
I also like the idea that an NFT is ethereal, that it only exists in the ether, because ideas are ethereal, they are connections in our brains, which enable us to communicate ideas to other people. One of the wonderful things about NFTs is that they can be moving, videos, which is the best way to see my work – in motion like ourselves.
How often do you create?
It depends what you value as to what it is one creates. If you create the idea of relativity like Einstein you have created an idea that understands the world, if you are a barista and create a cappuccino with a heart on the surface you have simply pleased a customer.
I had the big idea of reverspective sixty years ago and I have had several ideas, perhaps ten, of how to develop it. If I have a new idea, like cutting in a box into the sticking-out perspective, that might be once a year.
But if I have an idea to create a broader or narrower end on a shape, that could happen every day. I try to draw in my sketch book at least every day, but I am often waylaid by circumstance.
What is your creative process?
I am often stimulated by something I see, or by something that I have done and can use some more in a different way, or something that just happens to catch my eye. When one is travelling alone, or in an empty frame of mind, ideas can just occur to you, to fill the space in your head. When I have an idea I like to note it down right away.
How to work it up into a viable work of art is a difficult thing, it is easy to make something the wrong size or shape or colour or in the wrong material – these judgements can be helped a lot by other people, other people can sometime miss the import of an idea, but other people usually know if the design is appropriate.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on my dice, inverted cubes in perspective. I have decided that they are best as free-hanging dice, just hovering in the air as if they have been tossed up to fall in a lucky or unlucky way. The dice is a white cube with black dots, a simple and pure example of reverspective at work.
I first had the idea to have the dice on the wall of a reverspective, about three years ago, and then I had the idea of liberating the individual dice to hang on the wall on their lonesome. Since dice have to tumble to gain use, the apparent movement as we move in front of them seems such a good idea.
Where can collectors find your work?
Collectors can find my work in forty galleries in Europe, the U.S.A. and the Far East. Several galleries are mentioned on my website, and my NFT art is on MakersPlace.
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Ivelina is the Content Maestro of NFT Plazas. She has a knack for putting complex concepts into simple words.
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