Welcome to CryptoArt Sundays! Today I bring to you the wonderful Aku Napie! Aku is a full time visual artist with multiple styles of artwork such as doodles, comics, and cartoons.
I’m absolutely in love with the colourful, eccentric, and fun artworks of Aku. All their artworks encompass a variety of colours, themes, and styles, bringing a childlike, joyous feeling.
So let’s check out some of Aku’s cool art below, and see what they have to say about their journey in the NFT space!
How did you find out about the NFT space, and what attracted you to create your own NFTs?
I found out about NFTs through friends and also some websites that provide info and news about crypto. I think around the end of 2020. But I wasn’t brave enough to join right away. What made me interested is the wide range of possibilities for others to know about my work. Maybe the collector of my work is thousands of kilometers away from me and they still have access to it.

How often do you create?
For now I produce about 7-8 artworks every week. I practice everyday to improve my style and skill.

What is your creative process?
My creative process starts by listening to a song or watching a cartoon. After that if there is an idea I will continue to sketch it before drawing, with the iPad digitally. The rest is also done digitally.

Are there any CryptoArtists you would love to collaborate with?
I really admire artist for BAYC and Cool Cats. Their artwork looks stunning and recognizable too.

What do you think the future of CryptoArt will look like?
I think in the future many companies, brands, and people will interested and join together. Anything happen with NFTs for sure.

What are you currently working on?
I’m working on completing my collection since last year. My target is 300 items in the collection. As this is 1/1 the progress is very slow. For now I think around 230 are ready. Besides that, I also do collabs with others and explore new NFT platforms too.

Where can collectors find your work?

Ivelina is the Content Maestro of NFT Plazas. She has a knack for putting complex concepts into simple words.
Read More: nftplazas.com