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Not sure if you know this, but…
Coding is hard.
If you’re like us, you’ve tried your hand at coding with ChatGPT (to mild success).
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t — and unless you actually know how to code, you won’t really know until it’s out in the world being tested.
Which is fine when you’re making a web3 focused AI chatbot…
But when it comes to coding smart contracts (aka pieces of code that will automatically send cryptocurrency on your behalf if certain requirements are met) — trial and error isn’t a luxury you have.
Because a bug in a smart contract can quickly lead to massive hacks.
Now, here’s a concept for you:
What if you didn’t have to write smart contracts in computer code — but could instead use plain language (the same way we’re writing this email).
E.g. a plain language smart contract might look like this:
If Seb adds 1 ETH to Chevy’s wallet as a loan deposit, lend him 2 ETH at 10% interest per year (and throw a rock through his window if he misses a payment).
Ok, that last bit is a stretch, but you get the point!
Now — get this:
Avalanche is working on developing just that — a system that, according to Emin Gün Sirer (founder of Ava Labs), can be “programmed in a natural language.”
Which means there’s a future where you could possibly code web3 apps using your device’s voice-to-text feature.
Bad news is: Emin reckons this technology is still 10 years away…
Even so — we love big, hairy, audacious goals like this.
So it gets two emphatic thumbs up from us.
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