Spatial is a Metaverse platform dedicated to helping both brands and independent creators build their own spaces in the Metaverse. Orientated around a diverse close-knit community, their main goal is to help support and drive wider Metaverse adoption whilst promoting all who occupy their space.
At The Metaverse Insider, we interviewed the head of community at Spatial, Jake Steinerman – where we discussed Spatial and where it stands in the Metaverse community. By partnering with brands and independent creators alike, Spatial makes it their objective to facilitate success in whatever they are trying to accomplish.
With a multitude of Metaverses out there, Spatial stands out in more ways than many of its competitors; it is one of the most accessible Metaverses currently out there, requiring just a click to enter:
“It’s all about allowing anyone to easily create in a personal space. Whether you’re an artist who wants to create a gallery quickly or a brand who wants to create immersive experiences for your consumers – it is super accessible.”
Spatial has already been around for over five years – with the original platform having a greater focus on AR, providing virtual office space for companies. But over time, Spatial has evolved to focus on immersive experiences, events, concerts, and galleries – without necessarily needing VR/AR hardware. What we experience today is an organic evolution of what Spatial used to be:
“It wasn’t a specific moment in time, we didn’t wake up one morning and be like this NFT thing or the metaverse thread might be hard to latch onto. It happened very organically over time.”
Once Spatial opted for the simple “click a link, and boom” approach to accessing their Metaverse, the gates opened to a whole new audience – and some of those first people were artists:
“So, we started to see on Twitter artists like Federico codpiece, Carlos Perez, and others would take their NFTs and put them into templates. And those templates were affordable. And it started to happen more and more romantically. We got to the point where, okay, let’s see, this is very interesting. What can happen if we start to support these artists by adding galleries?”
This led to the organic growth of Spatial once a greater focus was placed on empowering creators; it happened to coincide with the early 2021 NFT boom, presenting a place where artists and creators could be supported as a community.
Spatial is a very popular platform for anyone interested in the Metaverse. It is not made solely for artists and creators; it encourages a community-driven experience whereby events and social gatherings also occur. At The Metaverse Insider, we have even interviewed certain individuals within this platform – emphasizing the opportunities it can present.
Jake Steinerman addresses how they are not trying to convince people to become more involved in the community – they are just trying to make it readily available and accessible without needing an account or to own crypto:
“We’re starting to attract people who are diverse, curious and can easily jump in, without being afraid of, ‘oh, I need to go create a cryptocurrency wallet, or I got to go get this headset’. They can just click in very easily have that experience, understand it and then have the tools to go and create their own experiences.”
Once blockchain technology becomes more accessible and popular amongst social platforms, we can expect Spatial to follow suit. However, this could be next year or within the next five. At any rate, Spatial will evolve to the next level with the technology to support it:
“Things change very quickly. So, we’re believers in a decentralized ecosystem, a decentralized internet, and a very open and accessible internet delivery. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are very much believed to be the backbone.”
There is a great emphasis on Spatial wanting interoperability between different platforms; through blockchain technology, they will aim to bring, use and transfer digital assets within Spatial, but also allow for individuals to link out to platforms like Decentraland or Sandbox.
There is a bright future for Spatial; they are prosperous and know their market well. With the aim to become a social hub between artists, creators, and friends – they continue to make partnerships whilst building on the experiences available:
“We’ll be adding the ability to have more interactivity, maybe video games or things like that, but not turning it into something like an economic fortnight. We added some updates around the use cases in terms of working elevators and working platforms and things like that – to have a more interesting way to move around the space.”
“So, we’re super excited that as we add more tools; we’ll just have more interactive spaces. This will be really exciting to see what happens, and hopefully with that, providing more experiences to the wider community.”
Spatial is ahead of the game. They know what type of Metaverse they want and have been manifesting their vision since the start. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled – for this is only the start.
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