Barbie Partners With Boss Beauties For A New NFT Collection


The iconic Barbie dolls return to the NFT market with a brand new collection in partnership with Boss Beauties! This time, collectors will be able to mint one of the 250 professions Barbie dolls have occupied over the decades. In total, there will be 15,000 collectibles aiming to encourage girls around the world to turn their dreams into reality.

image of tens of Barbie dolls with various professions symbolizing their NFT collection
Mattel’s Barbie and Boss Beauties team up for the second time to bring a new NFT collection to the market. Credit: Mattel


What is the new Boss Beauties x Barbie NFT drop about?

This year, Barbie aims to celebrate the International Day of the Girl in great fashion. Together with Boss Beauties, the brand launches a collection of 15,000 NFTs on Mattel Creations’ official website.

Accordingly, the collectibles pay homage to the 250 professions the Barbie dolls had since the first products launched in 1959. From chefs to astronauts and football players, this drop was created with a clear goal in mind: to prove to girls around the world that they can be anything.

In addition to the drop itself, the two brands will donate $125K to the Barbie Dream Gap Project, which offers resources to educate and support young girls. A further $125K will go to the Boss Beauties Foundation to offer scholarships and mentorship for young women.

Twitter screenshot of a NFT announcement by Barbie on its collection with Boss Beauties
The Barbie group shared the exciting news of its latest NFT drop with Boss Beauties via Twitter. Credit: Twitter


Did Barbie release any other NFTs?

If you’re a Barbie fan or just want to support its concept, you’re in luck: the legendary brand already has two NFT drops available.

For example, Barbie teamed up with none other than Balmain for a 1-of-1 NFT drop back in January. Only three months later, the company also revealed its first collaboration with Boss Beauties. Surprisingly, that drop offered all of its proceeds to the Barbie Dream Gap Project.


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