We think we are real. At the very least, we feel real. “Real” and “fake” are human inventions. All of it came from imagination. The magnificent beauty, the dull routines, the horrific tragedies; all of it comes from our imaginations. We can’t experience any of it without the lens of our human imagination. Ergo, we must be real. At the very least, we are very real(ish).
The paintings “VRy real(ish)” by Matt Semke (AKA catswilleatyou) were all improvised from start to finish in virtual reality.
“I simply attack the canvas until ideas start to emerge. This thoughtless approach helps me get a glimpse of something real. These ideas sit just beneath all the layers of imaginary human nonsense.” — Matt Semke
What’s real? Sometimes real is arbitrary. Whether we are in the Matrix or we experience a case of Inception, technology allows us to seamlessly transfer from one world to another. Artworks created in Virtual Reality, as you can see, are just as real as artworks created digitally in real life….or are they? This all sounds VRy real(ish) to me.
The Drop
“the same time”
We’re all getting through some serious shit right now. Sometimes we feel our way through it. Sometimes we think our way through it. When the shit is this thick, we can’t do both.
This was made in VR and contains AR. This artwork was created in virtual reality using Brushwork Studio. The image also triggers an augmented reality experience viewable with the free Artivive app. The AR experience shows the process of the painting being created from the perspective of the VR headset.
“protect your electricity okay”
Your heart runs on electricity. If you’re not careful, your electricity can be taken by the people around you. Take a deep breath. As you exhale imagine a sphere around you filling up with a blue light. Know that within this sphere, no one can take your electricity. Okay?
This was made in VR and contains AR. This artwork was created in virtual reality using Brushwork Studio. The image also triggers an augmented reality experience viewable with the free Artivive app. The AR experience shows the process of the painting being created from the perspective of the VR headset.
“new day”
The past and the future are completely imaginary. It is always now. It’s always a brand new day.
This was made in VR and contains AR. This artwork was created in virtual reality using Brushwork Studio. The image also triggers an augmented reality experience viewable with the free Artivive app. The AR experience shows the process of the painting being created from the perspective of the VR headset.
“think until you’re blue in the face”
Let the blue light fill you up. Start with your feet, and let it slowly rise through your whole body. Once your face is blue you are good to go. Go get it, you blue freak.
This was made in VR and contains AR. This artwork was created in…
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